Case study of Karuna Trust Manasa Project
Case study of Karuna Trust PPP
Karuna Trust, Karnataka, India. Good and Bad Practices: Case Study No. 19
Designing a Low-Cost Multifunctional Infant Incubator.
Nutritional Status of Tribal Children and Adolescents in Rural South India: The Effect of an NGO Delivered Nutritional Programme.
Vitamin B-12, folate, iron, and vitamin A concentrations in rural Indian children are associated with continued breastfeeding, complementary diet, and maternal nutrition.
Rationalizing antibiotic use to limit antibiotic resistance in India.
Factors influencing receipt of iron supplementation by young children and their mothers in rural India: local and national cross-sectional studies.
Good governance in health care: the Karnataka experience.
Good governance and corruption in the health sector: lessons from the Karnataka experience.
Determinants of anemia among young children in rural India.
A community based field research project investigating anaemia amongst young children living in rural Karnataka, India: a cross sectional study.
Community Planning and Monitoring of Health Services - Karnataka Experience
Tuberculosis control programme in rural area: experiences from the field.
Issue 1_Oct 2019
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