Primary Health Care
In the year 2008 there were five PHC allocated to Karuna trust which was managedbyHumanDevelopmentfoundationincollaborationwithKarunatrust,latertowhich the operation is being led by Karuna trust alone. Karuna trust sows anotherseed for PPP with an urban PHC in Berhampur municipality in Ganjam district. Currently Karuna Trust managing 8 Rural PHCs and 1 Urban PHC.
Secondary Health Care
DMF Sanjeevani Project
The Sanjeevani Project is a facility proposed to be established to provide logistical and hand-holding support to in-patients (IPDs) from Keonjhar and two of their attendants during the course of their treatment at SCB MCH.
To provide logistical and hand-holding support to the in patients for availing of health services during their treatment at SCBMCH
To provide accommodation and food (daily allowance) for a maximum of two attendants accompanying the in-patients(IPDs),for the duration of the treatment
To provide various associated services during and post treatment of the in-patient (IPDs)