Vivekananda Girijana Kalyana Kendra (VGKK) is committed to the holistic, sustainable development of tribal people, keeping in mind their socio-cultural background and their rights. VGKK is now 35 years old with development experiences from the Soligas and other tribes in Chamarajanagar, Mysore districts of Karnataka and subsequent experiences with tribes in Arunachal Pradesh and other states. This experience has resulted in an integrated approach to tribal development with health, education, livelihoods and biodiversity conservations the means to sustainable development and empowerment.
- A 20-bedded tribal hospital with laboratory, x-ray and operation theatre providing free medical care and telemedicine.
- Community-based preventive, promotive and rehabilitative programmes through local health workers.
- Mobile Medical Unit that visits the tribal hamlets
- Sickle cell anemia research and screening work
- Training programmes for dais, health workers and house surgeons.
- Maternal & child health, communicable dieases, non-communicable dieases, mental health, dental health, and community-based rehabilitation programme.
- Nutrition, safe drinking water and sanitation.
- Traditional medicines & revitalization of local health traditions.
- Tribal school (Pre-school to Class X) for more than 350 tribal girls and boys with hostel facility for 200 students.
- 4 non-formal schools in remote forest areas.
- Pre-University College – Arts
- Industrial Training Institute
- A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Science Park. (KSTEPS Sponsored programme)
- Happy School (Rotary Club Sponsored programme)
Vocational Training & Production owned & managed by tribal people.
- Bamboo Craft
- Hand made paper unit
- Honey processing
- Food processing (with CFTRI, Mysore)
- Leaf cup
- Cloth weaving
Community organization
- To facilitate people’s organization’s (Soliga Abhivruddhi Sangha) at village, taluk, and district levels. ‘The Sangha’ addresses problems through their solidarity.
- Sanghas take part in planning and implementation development programmes through government and other agencies.
- Promote and strengthen self-help groups.
Networking & Advocacy
- VGKK is involved in research, documentation and dissemination of information on tribals in Karnataka and other states.
Tezu Hospital, Dibang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh :
- A hospital providing healthcare services along with documentation and promotion of traditional medicines, library, vocational training, music classes and tribal resource centre.
- A self-reliant and empowered tribal society rooted in its cultural and tradition, living in harmony with nature.
- Sustainable development of tribal people through rights-based approaches to health, education, livelihood security and bio-diversity conservation.
- To implement a comprehensive, holistic, need based gender & culture-sensitive, community centered, system of health care integrating indigenous health traditions.
- To establish an education system that is specific to the tribal language, culture and environment.
- To promote bio-diversity conservation and sustainable harvesting of Non-Timber Forest produce.
- To ensure livelihood security through sustainable agriculture, vocational training and value addition of forest produce.
- To empower tribal communities through Sanghas (people’s organizations) and Women’s self-help groups.